Who We Are

The Louisville Youth Philanthropy Council (LYPC) is a nonprofit organization seeks to educate youth about philanthropy, inspiring them through hands-on experiences to become community leaders. We believe that by providing young people with opportunities to engage in philanthropy, they can develop a deeper understanding of the needs of their community and learn how to make a positive impact on the world around them. Our program is designed to inspire and equip the next generation of community leaders, philanthropists, and social entrepreneurs.

Learn. Lead. Act. Inspire.
LYPC is a 16-week course that meets for 3 hours on Saturday afternoons from August through March. The focus is experiential learning; the students serve as members of a grant-making Board for each of their teams. The teams develop their own missions, research organizations that could fulfill their missions, interview organizational representatives, go on site visits and create proposal selection criteria to allow them to determine as a team how to grant $5,000. Each team has a dedicated facilitator, but they only provide guidance – the students make all of the decisions. Students who apply and are accepted into the LYPC program attend the 16 classes at no charge to them.
The LYPC provides meaningful outcomes through our proven curriculum of experiential philanthropic learning, thus strengthening youth and teens' engagement in our community and their success in education. This education provides a variety of benefits throughout the lifetime of our students. It teaches them why, how and what is needed to mitigate the problems of their communities. Many of our students do not realize the severity of the crises our communities face until they meet organizational leaders doing the work. They make an immediate, positive impact by supporting local organizations that fulfill the missions they create. The experiential education that LYPC students receive allows them to develop skills and make decisions that impact the voluntary sector. We are developing the next generation of leaders for our community. We believe that their voices are important today and tomorrow.

Our Impact
Our Team
Dedication. Expertise. Passion.
2024-2025 LYPC Board of Directros
The LYPC is governed by an outstanding group of community members with a passion for youth development and philanthropy. We pride ourselves on being a strong, dedicated working board.

Thank you to Essential Innovations for
Sponsoring our Board Meetings!
Beth Malcom
Chair, Bakers Studio + The Bakery
SteVon Edwards
Vice Chair, Schenault Solutions
Chris Staples
Treasurer, Baird
Sarah Hugenberg
Claire Arnold
Kentucky Chamber of Commerce
Beau Baker
Allison Baumann
o'Sha Cowley-Shireman
OBII Family Foundation
Nicole Diebold
CE&S Foundation
Ina de Mattos Miller
LYPC Executive Director
Tejaswin Gontla
LYPC Student, duPont Manual
Siggy Gross
LYPC Student, Francis Parker
Jackie Keating
Dare to Care
Candy Medina
Donors Forum of Kentuckiana
Briana O'Daniel
YMCA of Greater Louisville
Melis Ozyurekoglu
LYPC Student, duPont Manual
Lisa Resnik
Ashley | Rountree & Associates
Ellen Trahan
Schneider Electric Sustainability
Bryan Yoffee
Bakers Studio + The Bakery
Christine Kelly
Archdiocese of Lousiville
LYPC History
The concept of LYPC was first envisioned as a vehicle by which the Donors Forum of Kentuckiana could help fulfill its community outreach objectives. In the 17 years of Council activities, to date, we have realized that there is a far greater potential for the program. This next generation of philanthropic leaders truly has a hunger for civic engagement and the LYPC is an essential link in the chain of service-learning knowledge that starts in elementary school and leads through their college years and into their careers.
Year One
(pilot year)
Year Two
(pilot year)
Year Three
(pilot year)
Year Four
Year Five
Year Six
Year Seven
Year Eight
Year Nine
Year Ten
Year Eleven
Year Twelve
Year Thirteen
Year Fourteen
Year Fifthteen
Year Sixteen
Year Seventeen
Year Eighteen